Workshop on digital tools for multipurpose forest management planning were presented in the Night of Science on 25 Jan 2024

Finnish Society of Forest Science participated in the Night of Science by organising a workshop on “New tools for multipurpose forest management planning”. Participants of the workshop had the opportunity to use two simulators. Experts of the workshop were Professor Annamari Laurén (peatland forestry) and Assistant Professor Marjo Palviainen (silviculture) from the University of Helsinki and Research Professor Lauri Mehtätalo from the Natural Resources Institute Finland.

© Suomen Metsätieteellinen Seura / Pekka Nygren CC BY-SA 4.0

Workshop instructors Lauri Mehtätalo (right), Marjo Palviainen and Annamari Laurén (left) discussing with workshop participants on the simulation cases and their interpretation.

The participants used the peatland forest simulator SUSI for studying how temperature and rainfall changes affect forest growth and carbon balance in drained peatlands as well as on the nutrient load from drained peatlands to inland waters. In the second case, they studied how impacts of the climate change may be mitigated by adjusting ditch depth or by ash fertilisation. With another simulator, the participants estimated long-term logging possibilities and effect of various harvesting strategies on forest growth and carbon sinks at regional and site type level.

The Night of Science is a block party for science and research. It is celebrated annually in Helsinki. The next event takes place on Thursday the 9 January 2025, as a part of the Science Forum 2025. The programme is made by many different organisations and actors and the multiple events offer science and research in many different forms. All events are free of charge!

© Suomen Metsätieteellinen Seura / Pekka Nygren CC BY-SA 4.0

Marjo Palviainen shows to workshop paricipant Timo Martola how to interpret the results of the peatland forest simulator.