Coffee Talks Human-Forest-Relationships

Next session on 2nd April at 6am MST / 2pm CET / 3pm EET
Dr. Sebastian Garbe (University of Applied Sciences Fulda, Germany): “This is Nature Protecting itself“: Forest Occupation Against Sand & Gravel Extraction in Germany

To join the session, please contact
jana.holz(at) or tuulikki.halla(at)
to get the Zoom Link

Save-the-Date also for: Dr. Rebecca Banham (University of Tasmania, Australia) on 21st of May at 8pm in Hobart (AEST), 1pm in Helsinki (EEST), 12am in Central Europe (CEST) and 4am in Lethbridge, Canada (MDT).

Ontological security and forest experiences: ‘Giving language’ to human-forest connections in Tasmania, Australia

Coffee Talks Human-Forest-Relationships

Let’s sit and talk in the scientific café! The “Coffee Talks HFR” sessions give room for open and relaxed discussions on current research subjects related to human and society relations to forests. It warmly welcomes all interested in forest-related research to join online sessions.

Each session lasts approximately 1,5 hours. It starts with a 30-minutes presentation of a guest speaker. After the presentation, with coffee or tea and cookies at hand, participants have plenty of room for an open discussion and exchange.

The “Coffee Talks HFR” takes place three to four times per term on Wednesday at 6am MST / 2pm CET / 5pm EET.

Guest speakers wanted! If you are interested in contributing to the “Coffee Talks HFR”, please contact either jana.holz(at), jodie.asselin(at) or tuulikki.halla(at) with info on your subject (title and short abstract) and a preferred date.

The interdisciplinary and international scientific “Coffee Talk HFR” has a long tradition. In 2021, a cooperation between the Finnish research project Human-Forest Relationships in Societal Change and the German research group Mentalities im Flux (flumen) launched and hosted the “Scientific Coffee Sessions HFR”. In 2024, the network broadened and the event got a new name: “Coffee Talks HFR”. 

The “Scientific Coffee HFR” is organized by:

Past sessions

Léa Lacan (University of Cologne, Germany): “Forest Politics in Kenya’s Tugen Hills: Conservation Beyond Natural Resources in the Katimok Forest

John Björkman (University of Turku, Finland): “The Black Man of Villavuori sits in that forest, guarding the village border.” Sacred forest sites of folk belief in Southwest Finnish village landscapes

Agata Konczal (Wageningen University) & Jodie Asselin (University of Lethbridge): Exploring the Green Frontier: Patterns of Inequality in Europe’s Recent Forest Initiatives

Kristina Wirth (Forest Research Institute Baden-Württemberg, FVA): Creating understanding through artful connections

Two on-site sessions at the IUFRO 2024 World Congress:
T4.17. Human-Forest Relationship I – Ambiguity in “taking care of the forest”
T4.33. Ways of knowing about multiverse of human-forest relationships: methodological approaches for sustainable futures for the forests

Jana Holz (University of Jena) & Tuulikki Halla (University of Eastern Finland): Coffee Salon Human-Forest-Relationships (HFR), Interactive session at IFPM5 (on site)

Ulla Taipale (Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR), University of Helsinki, Finland): Periferia – A Permanent Art Exhibition in the Midst of the Boreal Forest. The Connection of the Arts to the Landscape and the Research of the University Forest Station

Mónica Hernández Morcillo (Eberswald University, Germany): A Regenerative Approach to Forestry: Insights from the Indigenous Culture Kogi

Anna Ott (SYKE, Finnish Environment Institute): Sámi reindeer herders’ fight for preserving and renewing – An analysis of the conflict over forest in the Sámi homeland

Maie Kiisel (University of Tartu, Estonia): The resonance of macro challenges in forestry debate of Estonia (multi-level perspective approach)

Peeter Vihma (Estonian University of Life Sciences): Origins, peace negotiations and failures in Estonian “Forest War”

Jenni Simkin (Natural Resource Institute Finland): Should you visit a managed or natural forest for the best of your well-being?

Ronja Mikoleit (Institute for Environmental Social Sciences and Geography, University of Freiburg): Climate heroes in the forest – Heroic (self-)representations in forestry and their consequences

Maija Halonen (University of Eastern Finland): Socio-economic forest relations in Northern peripheries

“People and forests – Developing the concepts and methodologies for researching
human-forest-relationship and social relationships with nature
” (panel with four presentations), special event as part of the 4th International Forest Policy Meeting

Dominik Menton-Enderlin (Forest Research Institute Baden-Württemberg, FVA): “Basically this is all my forest” – qualitative and quantitative research results on psychological ownership among forest visitors in Germany

Tuomo Takala (University of Eastern Finland): Critical discourse analysis as a method and a theory

Lukas Fehr (Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen): Narratives and interpretations of forests in the forestry and timber sector between recreation and wood production

Anne Matilainen (University of Helsinki): Feelings of psychological ownership towards forests