Invitation to the autumn meeting on 10 December 2020

Autumn meeting of the Finnish Society of Forest Science will be held on Thursday 10 December 2020 at 16:00 as a remote meeting.

Finnish law requires that all participants to an on-line members’ meeting of a society must register at latest a week before the meeting. Thus, register at latest on 3 December 2020 using this link:

A Zoom link to the meeting will be sent to all registered participants as a calendar invitation.


1.  Opening of the meeting

2.  Election of the meeting chair, secretary, reviewers of the minutes, and voice counters.

3.  Confirmation of the legality and quorum of the meeting.

4.  Acceptance of the programme.

5.  Confirmation of the Plan of activities 2021 (Appendix 1), Budget 2021 (Appendix 2), and the membership fee for 2020.

6.  Election of the chair and vice-chair of the Society for 2021 and a board members for term 2021 – 2023. Current board members whose term is ending are Arto Kariniemi and Anna Repo. According to the 6th § of the statutes of the Society, both can be re-elected. The proposal of a work group searching for candidates is:

  • Chair 2021: Dr Tuija Aronen, Natural Resources Institute Finland
  • Vice Chair 2021: Dr Marjo Palviainen, University of Helsinki
  • board member 2021 – 2023: Dr Arto Kariniemi and Dr Anna Repo, Natural Resources Institute Finland

Members of the Society who have the voting right may present other candidates in the meeting.

7.  Election of the auditor of the accounts and the activities of the Society for 2021. The proposal:

  • Auditor of Accounts: audit society PricewaterhouseCoopers
  • Because the auditor is an audit society, vice auditor is not elected.
  • Auditor of Activities: Dr Jussi Lintunen, ETLA
  • Vice-Auditor of Activities: Mr Jussi Leppänen, Natural Resources Institute Finland

Members of the Society who have the voting right may present other candidates in the meeting.

8.  First processing of the changes to the statutes of the Finnish Society of Forest Science (Appendix 3). The proposed changes:

  • Remote participation in members’ meeting will become permanent.
  • The Society will no longer invite honorary members.
  • Some linguistic ans stylistic revisions.

Current statutes of the Society are available in Finnish at:

9.  Other possible items.

If a member wants to propose a topic that requires a decision of a members’ meeting of the Society, should sent an e-mail to the Executive Manager of the Society ( detailing the topic at latest on 26 November 2020. Discussion topics may also be made after that, at latest on site at the time of the acceptance of the meeting programme.

10. Closure of the meeting

Helsinki, 16 November 2020

Board of the Finnish Society of Forest Science


Draft of the plan of activities 2021 (in Finnish):

Draft of the budget 2021 (in Finnish):

Draft of statutes (in Finnish):