Contributor of Open Science Prize was awarded to Finnish Society of Forest Science in the Finnish Open Science Winter Conference in November 2022 for opening forest research for scientists and public at large in open access journals and science events. Finnish Society of Forest Science has promoted the Everyone’s Right to Forest Science since 1994 when open access publishing of Silva Fennica’s abstracts was initiated in the Internet. Later, openness of abstracts has become main stream in scientific journals. In 1998, the openness was extended to whole text articles of Silva Fennica as one of the first international scientific journals. The Finnish language Metsätieteen aikakauskirja has followed the same policy. The Society has published the monograph series Dissertationes Forestales in cooperation with the University of Helsinki and the University of Eastern Finland since 2005. The series publishes Finnish doctoral theses open in the Internet.
The early openness policy of the Society was developed by our visionary long-time Editor-in-Chief, Dr Eeva Korpilahti. She understood the value of openness for access to and distribution of research-based knowledge years before the Budapest Manifest that brought openness, initially as open access, to the general discussion in the research and publishing communities.
Interview of the Executive Manager of our Society in the Finnish Open Science web site (in Finnish):