The traditional Forest Sciences’ Day was organised on Wednesday 25 October 2023. Our general topic was “Climate change in forests”. We went beyond the climate and vegetation model results and the discussion on forest carbon sinks. We payed attention to the interactions between climate change and biological diversity, to the uncertainties in predicting the future, to the human-forest relationships as well as to the synergistic solutions for mitigating climate change and biodiversity loss while producing timber.
In the morning, we had a plenary session, in which the best Finnish scientists of climate change talked about the biological diversity and silviculture under the changing climate, effects of climate change on forest and environmental policy and the limits of forest bioeconomy in mitigating climate change. The speakers of the morning plenary session were Liisa Kulmala (Finnish Meteorological Institute), Saija Huuskonen (Natural Resources Institute Finland, LUKE), Jussi Uusivuori (LUKE), Jyri Seppälä (Finnish Environment Institute) and Antti Asikainen (LUKE)
The science clubs of the Finnish Society of Forest Science organised six parallel sessions in the afternoon. In these sessions, climate change was discussed from the viewpoints of several subdisciplines of forest sciences:
- Synergistic solutions for enhancing carbon sequestration and safeguarding biodiversity in Finnish forests (Forest Biology Club)
- Climate change in forests – economic view points (Forest Economist Club)
- Silvicultural practices for the future (Silviculture Club)
- Climate changers in the forest (Human-Forest Relationship Research Club)
- Effects of naturally varying phenomena and uncertainty on modelling forest development (Forest Mensuration Club)
- Climate change challenges our wood supply chain (Technology Club)
The afternoon ended with the award of the scientific recognitions of the Finnish Society of Forest Science and presentation of the Innovation Prize winner of the Forest Mensuration Club.
All plenary talks and most parallel session talks were recorded. The recordings are now available on the web page of the Forest Sciences’ Day.
View the recordings: