Afternoon parallel session of the Silviculture Club
Hall 106
Forest management controls and maintains the forest’s ecological processes, which produce versatile ecosystem services. In recent decades, nature management of commercial forests has been integrated into daily forest management, which is important for protecting nature values and maintaining and increasing biodiversity. How has this goal been realized and which new ecological nature management methods are necessary to ensure overall sustainability?
Financial sustainability in forestry aims for long-term economic productivity and profitability while preserving the vitality of forests. How do the financial regulations concerning forest management and cultivation support the goal of overall sustainability?
Forest management measures affect the social sustainability of the area, such as jobs, the multiple use of forests, the landscape and historically valuable sites, as well as the opportunities for future generations to use forests. What forest management methods and their combinations can best be used to secure the special features required by the different uses of the forests?
Research and development of overall sustainable forest management, training in the forestry sector, planning and implementation of measures require a sufficient and trained workforce. How can we meet this goal in the accelerating competition for labour between industries?
These aspects of sustainability interact and can both support and undermine each other. How can we effectively integrate these perspectives to achieve overall sustainability in forestry?
Programme (in Finnish)
Chair: Pasi Puttonen, pasi . puttonen () helsinki . fi
Technical support: Tiina Laine, tiina . laine () metsagroup . com, +358 40 675 1458
13.15 – 13.40 | Monien tavoitteiden yhteensovittaminen – mitä kysymyksiä pitää pohtia | Antti Otsamo; Metsähallitus |
13.40 – 14.05 | Kokonaiskestävän metsänhoidon saavuttaminen – onko se mahdollista ? | Pasi Rautio; Luonnonvarakeskus |
14.05 – 14.30 | Toimivat metsätalouden vesiensuojelun menetelmät | Sirpa Piirainen; Luonnonvarakeskus |
14.30 – 15.00 | Kahvitauko | |
15.00 – 15.20 | Metsäalan osaaminen ja kokonaiskestävyys –reflektioita globaalista koulutusarvioinnista Suomeen | Mika Rekola; Helsingin yliopisto |
15.20 – 16.00 | Paneelikeskustelu: Miten kokonaiskestävyys metsänhoidossa saavutetaan? | Antti Otsamo, Pasi Rautio, Sirpa Piirainen ja Mika Rekola; keskustelun puheenjohtaja on Laura Nikinmaa, Tapio Oy |