Ecological sustainability as a dynamic concept

Afternoon parallel session of the Forest Biology Club

© Suomen Metsätieteellinen Seura / Pekka Nygren CC BY-SA 4.0



The ecological sustainability of forest use is the foundation, on which the functioning of forest ecosystems and other dimensions of sustainability are built. Like the wide concept of sustainability, the understanding of ecological sustainability and its goals evolves over time. Science advances our knowledge on nature, and we now have a better understanding on the various impacts that forest use has on ecosystem biodiversity, functioning and resilience. On the other hand, climate change alters the natural disturbance dynamics, structure, and species composition of forests, affecting perceptions of the natural biodiversity of each area.

Increased awareness on the importance of biodiversity has influenced also the way the society approaches its conservation. Promoting ecological sustainability is not seen only as an obligation or a cost but also as the foundation of the economy. Consideration of environmental impacts has become part of responsible practices, including measurement and reporting. Promoting biodiversity also generates new business opportunities.

The afternoon session of the Forest Biology Club will examine the ecological sustainability of forest use. How is ecological sustainability currently understood? How is it evolving as a concept and goal in the future? How is it promoted in the forestry practice?

Programme (in Finnish)

Chair: Hannes Pasanen, hannes . pasanen () uef . fi

Technical support: Aleksi Nirhamo, aleksi  .nirhamo () uef . fi, +358 50 365 3935

13.15 – 13.20AlkusanatPuheenjohtaja Hannes Pasanen; Itä-Suomen yliopisto
13.20 – 13.45Metsien käytön ekologinen kestävyys  Mikko Mönkkönen; Jyväskylän yliopisto
13.45 – 14.10Strateginen yritysvastuu – luonto hiljaisena sidosryhmänäTerhi Koipijärvi; Miltton Oy
14.10 – 14.30Onko suojatiheiköistä hyötyä nisäkkäille ja linnuille?Sari Holopainen1, Veli-Matti Väänänen1, Eero Väänänen1, Riku Valasti2, Merianna Kuukka2; 1Helsingin yliopisto, 2Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulu
14.30 – 15.00Kahvitauko 
15.00 – 15.20Metsien käytön kestävyyden mittaamisestaSari Pynnönen1, Annika Kangas1, Jonna Kangasoja2, Atte Komonen3, Emma Luoma2,4, Raisa Mäkipää1, Panu Halme3; 1Luonnonvarakeskus, 2Akordi Oy, 3Jyväskylän yliopisto, 4Itä-Suomen yliopisto  
15.20 – 15.40Onko orgaanisen hiilen ja saven välinen suhde luotettava indikaattori maaperän terveydelle?Tiina Törmänen1, Aleksi Lehtonen1, Lorenzo Menichetti1, Eduardo Martinez-Garcia1, Raisa Mäkipää1; 1Luonnonvarakeskus, Helsinki
15.40 – 16.00Metsän arvo -palvelu metsänomistajan luontotavoitteiden käytäntöön viemisen tukenaAnnukka Valkeapää; Compensate-säätiö